
Adulting is Hard? Here Are 5 Tips to Ease Your Pain.

As a 23 almost 24 year old here are some tips I have learned from my existance so far that have eased the stresses of being an actual adult.

1. Just Start

We often think that when we turn 18 we transform into new people. Life grows and compounds on itself, on our ideas and our thoughts. Everyone starts from somewhere. You don’t need a starter pack you need to just start. You have everything you need.

2. Get Rid of That Low Energy

At times a small negetive event ends up triggering these life long negative mental spirals. I have suffered from them before. Now when these thoughts become habits it becomes almost addictive to intiate these thought patterns making it difficult to rid yourself of them. Building self awareness can help when these thought patterns come through to build resiliance and sheild against them with time. Sometimes it’ll work and sometimes it won’t. Being aware of these thoughts do not define you as whole but are just product of habit.

3. Keep Learning

After we leave highschool or college we may feel that all the learning have to do is over. I am here to tell you that nope that is not the case. Learning is the foundation of your life and will help build your own self worth and value. When we stop learning it makes us vulnerbale to staying stagnant in life. We will all suck at doing things for the first time and as we grow, new situations will always pop up. When we are comfrotable with learning new things this will make these learning phases much more fun and managable.

4. Embrace Your Weirdness Dude

When we were young many of us had a specific image of what an adult was supposed to be. Being an adult is more than constantly dressing business casual. You need to embrace what makes you you. If not you are just living someone else’s life. My montra is as long as your finances are in place and you are not harming anyone show up as an adult in anyway that feels right to you.

5. Get Ready to Fail

My fear of failure has hindered me for so long. We need to realize that failure not only helps us learn things more meaningfully but it also helps challenge us and pushes us to not give up. The fear of failure can be very debilitaing becasue it will freeze and take away the time you could be working to become who you truly want to be. So relax and remember that failure is your friend.

Well that’s all I have to say for now.

Hope this helps anyone out there.

You got this!

Hello world!

January 7, 2022